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 Registration Now Open


Life Skills

Introduces middle & high school teens to the tools needed to be resilient and successful. We call them life skills, soft skills or social and emotional learning competencies. These skills enable youth to make safe choices, maintain positive friendships, make and achieve goals, resolve conflict and more.  Workshop meets one weekday evening or every Saturday for 7 weeks.


Register for Life Skills today!

Money Does Matter 

Equips middle & high school teens with money management skills. This workshop is interactive and prepares students to manage personal spending to meet financial goals and minimize the impact of financial obstacles. Topics include money habits, goals, decisions, spending plan, and cash flow. Workshop meets one weekday evening or every Saturday for 7 weeks. 


Register for Money Does Matter today!

Safe Dates

Informs middle & high school teens about dating abuse, healthy vs. abusive relationships and consequences. This workshop will raise students' awareness; equip them with the skills and resources to help themselves or friends in abusive dating relationships; equip students with the skills to develop healthy dating relationships and more. Workshop meets one weekday evening or every Saturday for 7 weeks. 


Register for Safe Dates today!

Changing the lives of youth one STEP at a time. 

Seating is limited. 

Register Today!

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